In recent years, North Korea and China have strongly condemned “sarcasm” in their societies.

In recent years, North Korea and China have strongly condemned “sarcasm” in their societies.

In recent years, North Korea and China have strongly condemned “sarcasm” in their societies. The complaint is that “sarcasm” is confusing to people, and they don’t want people to feel confused. Do you really believe that sarcasm is confusing, or is the condemnation more a result of not wanting criticism. Can sarcasm really be prevented? Do recent comments in the U.S. about “fake news” or Saturday Night Live suggest this country’s impatience with sarcasm? Explain your reasoning.

170 words!

Answer preview  In recent years, North Korea and China have strongly condemned “sarcasm” in their societies.

In recent years North Korea and China have strongly condemned sarcasm in their societies.


281 words