Explain your answers using critical thinking and research.

Explain your answers using critical thinking and research.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 5 in your textbook, the Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. article, and the appropriate pages from Ethics and Public Health: Model Curriculum according to the module you choose below.

For your assignment,

Select one of the modules presented in the instructions below.

Provide accurate and appropriate responses to the five worksheet questions associated with the module’s case study.

Explain your answers using critical thinking and research.

Step 1: Select one of the following case studies located in Ethics and Public health: Model Curriculum for your paper and use the associated worksheet to complete the assignment.

Choose one of the following:

Module 4: Community-Based Practice and Research: Collaboration and Sharing Power

Read the introductory information: pages 103 to 118 (15 pages)

Read Case Study 1: Providing Culturally Appropriate Services in a Changing Community: pages 119 through 122 (4 pages)

Use the worksheet: Module 4: Case Study 1: Providing Culturally Appropriate Services in a Changing Community

Module 7: Ethical Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health.

Read the introductory information: pages 159 through 169 (10 pages)

Read Case Study 1: Environmental Injustice in Homer, Louisiana: pages 170 through 173 (4 pages)

Use worksheet: Module 7: Case Study 1: Environmental Injustice in Homer, Louisiana

Module 9: Public Health and Health System Reform: Access, Priority Setting, and Allocation of Resources

Read the introductory information: pages 241 through 252 (12 pages)

Read Case Study 3: Making Cuts in a Health Department Budget, including the fact sheet on page 256 and pages 263 through 267 (6 pages)

Use the worksheet: Module 9: Case Study 3: Making Cuts in a Health Budget Department Budget

Step 2: Download the worksheet for your selected module and address the questions in the worksheet using complete sentences.

Please know that although this is not a formal written paper, you still need to use APA formatting.

Your completed worksheet

Must use double-spacing with 1-inch margins

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..



Answer preview  Explain your answers using critical thinking and research.

Explain your answers using critical thinking and research.


753 words