Select a topic that would be appropriate for a thesis research project.

 Select a topic that would be appropriate for a thesis research project.

1. Select a topic that would be appropriate for a thesis research project. The topic should be related to criminology and criminal justice, broadly defined, and one about which good data is available or could be collected. 2. Search for 10 refereed journal articles in criminology and criminal justice (or closely-related field) on your topic. Use Google Scholar and Academic Search Complete to search. If you are not on a UTA campus at the time of your search, log in through the university library so that you can access free .pdf files. 3. At least 2 of the 10 articles must be from ranked journals. You can access Journal Citation Reports via UTA’s library. See the link in the Powerpoint slides from the first class. Remember to select the category called Criminology and Penology. Type the ranking after the citation in the list, as below: Copes, H., Leban, L., Kerley, K.R. & Deitzer, J. (2016). Identities, boundaries, and accounts of women methamphetamine users. Justice Quarterly, 33, 134-158. [Ranked #4 in JCR for 2016] 4. Type an alphabetized list of the 10 articles in APA format. See the link in BB for formatting guidelines and examples. 5. Type a one-paragraph summary of why your topic is important, why it requires further study, and what possibilities exist for further study. In other words, from the 10 articles you found, what are some suggestions for future research? 6. The reference list and paragraph should be typed in a single file. 7. Upload your file in BlackBoard via the assignment link.  assignment___literature_search_and_summary

Answer preview Select a topic that would be appropriate for a thesis research project.

 Select a topic that would be appropriate for a thesis research project.APA

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