Choose a topic related to criminology and criminal justice

Choose a topic related to criminology and criminal justice

1. Choose a topic related to criminology and criminal justice (e.g., police use of force, domestic violence, cybercrime victimization, stand-your-ground law, legalizing marijuana, inmate misconducts, etc.). Construct a research question from this topic. WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR IS A RESEARCH QUESTION THAT MAKES SENSE AND IS DOABLE.

2. Do a little bit of research (you could use google and/or google scholar) and gather information related to the research question that you constructed above. What did you find? For example, suppose your research question is, “Is boot camp program effective in reducing reoffending.,” you could then google “boot camp for prisoners.” DO NOT USE THIS RESEARCH QUESTION FOR YOUR RESPONSE.

3. Assuming that money and resources are NOT an issue, tell me how you would obtain a probability sample to study the above research question. In your response, be sure to discuss your sampling frame and the method that you are going to use to select study participants. Also, tell me WHY you need to have a probability sample for your study.

Sampling – the process of selecting some part of a population using a sampling frame

We select a sample from the population because it is not possible for us to survey the entire population (although our goal is to obtain a sample that is very similar or is representative of the larger population)
Sampling error – any differences between the characteristics of a sample & those of the population from which it was drawn (the more similar our sample is to the larger population, the smaller the sampling error)
Probability sample – a sample that was selected using the random selection process; with a random selection process, every element in a population has an equal chance/probability of being selected to be in the sample
Non-probability sample – a sample that was not selected using the random selection method
Probability methods – each member of a population has a known chance/probability of being selected/ included in the sample & that chance ≠ 0; with a probability method, sample generalization to the larger population is possible.

A research questioned is needed, then one paragraph for the second question, then another paragraph for the third please.

Answer preview Choose a topic related to criminology and criminal justice

Choose a topic related to criminology and criminal justice


322 words