After reading It’s a Real Crime, in my opinion most crimes defined are survival crimes and mental issue crimes.

After reading It’s a Real Crime, in my opinion most crimes defined are survival crimes and mental issue crimes.

Student 2 Post Shanta White

After reading “It’s a Real Crime”, in my opinion most crimes defined are survival crimes and mental issue crimes. The crimes that are being committed are likely to occur again and likely to commit multiple crimes in the near future. The system identify the crimes under two categories, which is misdemeanor and felony. The categories described the seriousness of the crime with misdemeanor is the less serious crime and felony being the most serious with the most time served. The system is not set up to find the underlying cause of why the crime was committed, with punishment of consequence. It’s only made to punish you for a lengthy time hoping you figure it out yourself. There are five type of punishment; incapacitate, deterrence, retribution, rehabilitation, and restoration. In our society, our system seek to prevent future crime by physically moving criminals away from society.

“All of the FBI uniform classified serious crimes are felonies; most other non serious crimes are misdemeanors, although federal and most state laws define the sale and manufacturing of illegal drugs as felonies.”, according to the case study “It’s a Real Crime”. The effect of classifying the sale and manufacturing of illegal drug as felonies consider unlawful possession, use, growing, and ,intent to distribute, manufacturing drugs, drug trafficking. In most cases the state will consume drug cases, but if there obscene quantity, drug trafficking, manufacturing drugs the federal get involve. The quantity also defines rather or not if the crime is categorize as a misdemeanor or felony.

Answer preview  After reading It’s a Real Crime, in my opinion most crimes defined are survival crimes and mental issue crimes.

After reading It's a Real Crime, in my opinion most crimes defined are survival crimes and mental issue crimes.

165 words