Humans are creatures of habitat, so once we set a pattern, we usually repeat it again and again.

Humans are creatures of habitat, so once we set a pattern, we usually repeat it again and again.

Student 1 Post Devine Sims

Given these definitions, why is it likely that committing one crime could result in committing multiple crimes?

Humans are creatures of habitat, so once we set a pattern, we usually repeat it again and again. Some people manage to change or break their happens. An example is kleptomaniacs and arsonists, which are known for their addictive behavior.

Kleptomaniacs just enjoy the adrenaline rush of stealing and not getting caught. The more they take and the less they suffer, the rush is intensified and causes them to seal bigger and better things.

Arsonists have a need they want to fill. It usually starts off with an accidental fire, but it moves something within them.

What is the effect of classifying the sale and manufacturing of illegal drugs as felonies?

When drugs are made illegally, they are not regulated by the government, which means people can put anything inside. Reckless actions such as these could result in addiction, theft, homicide, assault, and overdose. It might be a stretch to say manufacturing drugs are the cause, but each one can be linked to drugs.


Some chemicals control our desires, such as Nicotine. These chemicals are highly addictive, and this turns people into drug addicts. One taste of these drugs is where usually people start to swirl down.


After someone is hooked to the drug, they begin to buy it in vast quantities multiple times a day or week. At this point, they have been heavily influenced for so long that they couldn’t manage to keep their job and have a steady source of income.


Answer preview  Humans are creatures of habitat, so once we set a pattern, we usually repeat it again and again.

Humans are creatures of habitat, so once we set a pattern, we usually repeat it again and again.

121 words