What do you think could have been done better with the course and what did you like the most about the course?

What do you think could have been done better with the course and what did you like the most about the course?

How do you think what you have learned during this course can benefit you in your studies, career, civic, and personal activities? How will you combine it with something you learned outside of this class?

What do you think could have been done better with the course and what did you like the most about the course?

Initial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck,for a substantive postis to bring something new to the conversation. Read the forum prompt and fully answer it, demonstrate understanding of the lesson/content, include evidence from firsthand experience, reference to the course materials, and apply what you’re discussing to work, life, and reality.

For Peer replies, respond substantively to at least TWO of your classmates for full credit, with 100+ words each post. This helps build a friendly and collegial environment in our class, and its part of your forum grade. Substantively answering questions that the instructor (me!) asks during that week’s discussion DO count toward your participation points. Making substantive posts will make the discussion more interesting and educational for everyone. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Answer preview What do you think could have been done better with the course and what did you like the most about the course?

What do you think could have been done better with the course and what did you like the most about the course?


583 words