There was some research done that when conducting our own research

There was some research done that when conducting our own research

2) John Gallegos

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 (Obj. 1.1 and 1.2)

Hello Everyone,

There was some research done that when conducting our own research, a counselor must follow the guidelines of human subject that are ethical. The subjects that where tested should feel better, not worse than before the counselor talked the clients into participating. The counselor must get informed consent from the client that is signed by the client. The client knows what to expect from the beginning of the study (West, 2002, p.261). Having clear consent and a good debriefing. The Belmont Report and helps us remember the autonomy and ethical means human subject are treated with during our research (The Belmont Report, 2006, p.239). It is suggested treating people with respect. We can use evidence based practiced in a way that models what we want to do. Evidence based practices can be reliable and has been effective when used the same way every time unless we did it wrong. How can we assess the risks to when conducting a study or experiment? Make sure the sample size is big enough and the participant where randomly selected. Follow the design and internal validity that makes sense (Ritter, Kim, Morgan & Carlson, 2013, p.79).


Ritter, F. E., Kim, J. W., Morgan, J. H., & Carlson, R. A. (2013). Risks to validity to avoid while

running an experiment. Running Behavioral Studies with Human Participants: A Practical

Guide. pg. 79-98. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:


Sheperis, C., Young, J., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative,

and mixed methods (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson. Retrieved from

The Belmont Report. (2006). In K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), Medicine,

Health, and Bioethics: Essential Primary Sources (pp. 238-243). Detroit, MI:

Gale. Retrieved from


West, W. (2002). Some ethical dilemmas in counselling and counselling research. British

Journal of Guidance & Counselling30(3), 261–268. https://doi-


Answer preview  There was some research done that when conducting our own researchThere was some research done that when conducting our own research


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