What role did women play in Korea’s postwar economy

What role did women play in Korea’s postwar economy

1. What role did women play in Korea’s postwar economy?

2. How did South Korea transition from a dictatorship to a democracy?

3. What are three characteristics of popular religion in East Asia?

4. What does the author of the

Global Times

article (textbook pp. 526-7) believe

are the causes of widespread corruption in China, and what does he/she

propose should be done about it?

5. What was the Cultural Revolution, and how did it affect Chinese society?

6. Why are the 1980s called the “Roaring ‘80s” in Japan?

7. How did the Korean War affect China?

2. Essay Question (One essay- 8 points)

Two of the following four essay questions will be on your exam. You will only

need to answer one of the two.

Please read the instructions for each essay

carefully, write a complete essay with an introduction and a conclusion, and

respond to all parts of the essay.

Essays should be about 300-400 words and

must provide examples from the readings AND lectures for full credit.

The essay for in-class exam will be the same as outlined above. (10 points)

1. How did the Cold War affect TWO of the following: China, Japan or Korea?

Briefly explain what the Cold War was and how competition between the U.S.

and the U.S.S.R. affected each country.

2. Compare communist regimes in China and North Korea. How are they the

same, and how do they differ? Which do you think has ultimately been a

better government for its people—why?

3. What were some of the positives and negatives of Japan’s high-growth period?

Overall, did Japan become a better place to live—why or why not?


Thinking about what we have discussed so far in terms of East Asian history,

what do you think will be the major challenges for East Asian countries in the

21st century—why? Use evidence from the lectures and readings to support

your ideas.


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What role did women play in Korea’s postwar economy


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