Select a research question to work on Refine into a hypothesis.

Select a research question to work on Refine into a hypothesis.

Select a research question to work on Refine into a hypothesis. Identify the data requirements to test the hypothesis. Design a survey to collect the required data Determine a sampling plan. Show the references used for this paper.

Paper should be 3 to 5 pages.

The assignment asks you to determine a question that a large corporation could have, and what type of survey and data mining you could do to answer this question ( an example would be SEARS trying to determine what products get returned the most. I would pull all the data records, and I would hypothesize that I could survey customers, and determine how to bring those customers back to SEARS.

Answer preview Select a research question to work on Refine into a hypothesis.

Select a research question to work on Refine into a hypothesis.


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