List five new pieces of knowledge about congress you can learn from the website

List five new pieces of knowledge about congress you can learn from the website

INSTRUCTIONS: Select the following link, and then complete the following exercise BELOW. See assignment titled, “Congress.” If the link does not work, type it or copy and paste in the address box.  29 Points total

List five new pieces of knowledge about congress you can learn from the website (5)

Click on three links under the House of Representatives. What is the title of each link? How does the link describe the function under its title? (2)

Click on three Senate links. What is the title of each link? How does the link describe the function under its title? (2)

See example of how congressional districts are formed and numbered in a state. Find a congressional map of your state, and identify the congressional district you live in by district number    (1)

Return to and find the name of your representative. (1)

Find a piece of co-sponsored legislation he/she has proposed.

Provide the number of the Bill; (1)

the name of the proposed legislation;   (1)

when was the latest action on the Bill; (1)

Where is the Bill in the legislative process? (1)

If passed, how might the bill personally impact your life? (1)

List the names and positions of the House leadership. Include the state they represent and their Party affiliation (Use the forward arrow). (4)

List the names and positions of the senate leadership. Include the state they represent and their Party affiliation. (Use forward arrow) (4)

Find a copy of the US constitution. Go to Article I. State Article and Section (Obviously Article I) where we find the Delegated Powers of congress? After viewing the long list,  how would you describe, in your own words, the Delegated Powers of the congress? (20 – 30 words) (5)



Answer preview  List five new pieces of knowledge about congress you can learn from the website

List five new pieces of knowledge about congress you can learn from the website


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