If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law

If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law

Prompt: Review the Article I U.S. Constitutional provisions.

1. If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law?

2. In addition, evaluate whether Congress should raise the mandatory minimum wage. Consider all aspects you deem relevant (constitutional, economic, etc.) THEN: Discuss which ethical framework would persuade you in an argument in favor of raising the minimum wage. Discuss which ethical framework would support a decision against raising the minimum wage.

Student three:

If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law?

The Supreme Court feels federal agencies have the power to make rules and with good cause. It allows the different agencies the ability to make regulations based on their specific knowledge of the very specific industry/subject. Lawmakers probably do not have the in-depth knowledge on every subject, making their opinion on a matter ineffective (Lieberman, Siedel, Mayer, & Warner, 2012). This would be why it is important to have people versed in the area of the various agencies to have a good working knowledge of the subject matter so they can lead the organization correctly instead of relying on others to tell them what to do.

In addition, evaluate whether Congress should raise the mandatory minimum wage. Consider all aspects you deem relevant (constitutional, economic, etc.) THEN: Discuss which ethical framework would persuade you in an argument in favor of raising the minimum wage. Discuss which ethical framework would support a decision against raising the minimum wage.

To consider legislation to raise the minimum wage it is important to look at some factors. When was the wage last raised? According to the Department of Labor, a 2007 amendment was enacted which raised the minimum wage to $5.85 gradually increasing it to $7.25 by July 24, 2009 (US DOL, 2019). This was the last time our government created meaningful legislation over minimum wages. Since 2007, when this legislation was drafted, the country has been hit with a severe recession while seeing good recovery but this minimum wage has remained stagnant.

In the area I live, Orlando, FL, there was an article discussing this in the local paper. A resident moved to Orlando in 2007 and her 2 bedroom unit was renting for $700, fast forward to today and that same property is renting for $1,400 (Arnold, 2019). In this city, rents have more than doubled as well as home prices yet the federal minimum wage has not budged. Many might say it is up to the states to mandate their own minimum. Well in Florida the minimum wage $8.46, which received gradual increases from the $7.25 enacted in 2009 from the federal government mandate. While the cost of living has increased in the area I call home, the ability for minimum wage workers to meet this need for shelter has become an undue burden with a larger percentage of their income going to rent.

This year there is a petition which has enough signatures for it to be included on the November 2020 ballot to raise the minimum wage to $15 (Associated Press, 2019). Of course the governor shot down this initiative stating it would have catastrophic consequences on the restaurant industry (where employees’ wages are supplemented by tips). Funny thing is when you go to Europe, there are countries where you don’t tip at all when going to a restaurant and they don’t seem too affected by it. I find it hard to come up with an argument to keep the minimum wage so low. One thing that keeps popping in my head is, this is the (bare) minimum. I guess employers can pay more if they like so this could be an argument against raising the wage but some companies will do just the minimum…with everything.


Arnold, K. (2019, May 6). As rents soar, middle-income Central Floridians fret. Retrieved from https://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/os-bz-apa…

Associated Press. (2019, October 30). Effort to raise Florida minimum wage passes signature hurdle. Retrieved from https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/10/30/…

Lieberman, J., Siedel, G., Mayer, D., & Warner, D. (2012). Partnerships: General characteristics and formation. In Business law and the legal environment.

US DOL. (2019). Minimum Wage – Wage and Hour Division (WHD). Retrieved from https://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/coverage.htm


Answer preview If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law

If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law


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