For many years lessons of intercultural conflict management the focus has been on teaching tolerance towards other cultures

For many years lessons of intercultural conflict management the focus has been on teaching tolerance towards other cultures

For many years lessons of intercultural conflict management the focus has been on teaching tolerance towards other cultures. Recently United States Senator, Cory Booker recently spoke about the idea of “Moving Beyond Tolerance.” on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. You can watch theĀ interview hereĀ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

What To Do

After watching the interview comment on Senator Booker’s ideas compare and impact 1) Your cultural views towards intercultural conflict. 2) How cultures differ in their views towards conflict, and 3) How people develop their strategies for dealing with intercultural conflict.

Answer preview For many years lessons of intercultural conflict management the focus has been on teaching tolerance towards other cultures

For many years lessons of intercultural conflict management the focus has been on teaching tolerance towards other cultures

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