Attend ONE classically-oriented concert, and ONE jazz-oriented concert over the course of this term

Attend ONE classically-oriented concert, and ONE jazz-oriented concert over the course of this term

The Basics:

You must attend ONE classically-oriented concert, and ONE jazz-oriented concert over the course of this term, making two concerts in total.

You will write a detailed review of each concert,

These two concert reviews combine for a grand total of 25% of your final grade.

The Details:

Each review must be:

A minimum of 500 words long

In standard MLA format

Comprised of your own original response to the concert

Each review must contain:

The date of the concert

The venue of the concert

The name of the ensemble

The titles of pieces performed

For your classical review you must include the names of all pieces, and the number and title of each movement

For your jazz review you must include the name of at least four pieces performed throughout the evening

The names of any significant performers

Classical: The conductor, and any soloists; if it’s a small-group concert, you must include the names of all members of the small groups

A summary, including your personal reaction to the concert and/or any specific pieces

Answer preview Attend ONE classically-oriented concert, and ONE jazz-oriented concert over the course of this term

Attend ONE classically-oriented concert, and ONE jazz-oriented concert over the course of this term

608 words