Discuss the way that phonology and phonetics are used in new technologies.

Discuss the way that phonology and phonetics are used in new technologies.

Phonetics and Computers

After reading the article Terrifyingly Convenient and the blog post How We Taught Our Echo to Speak Star Wars and viewing the video Behind the Mic: The Science of Talking with Computers, discuss the way that phonology and phonetics are used in new technologies. For example, you might analyze Siri, the iOS avatar whose accent an iPhone user is able to customize. Or, you might consider other voice-recognition systems, such as Echo, Cortana, and Alexa, which can interact with the human voice to the extent that they function as “personal assistants.” Your analysis should reference two samples of computer-mediated communication as examples. Be sure to consider the following questions: Where do you see the principles of phonetics and phonology at play? What are future implications of technology and language? What are some advantages and disadvantages associated with language and technology?

Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the week’s required material(s), and properly cite any references

Answer preview  Discuss the way that phonology and phonetics are used in new technologies.

Discuss the way that phonology and phonetics are used in new technologies.


751 words