Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

Contemporary Political Thought1. Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Focus on similarities and differences regarding their world views, core values, goals, strategies and tactics.

2. Compare and contrast the feminist ideas of Simone de Beauvoir and Emma Goldman. To what extent, if any, can they be characterized as liberal or radical feminists?

3. Discuss some of the issues confronted by the LGBT community in the United States. What are some of the ways that the LGBT movement has responded to these issues? How successful has the movement been?

in the three questions,  just pick two of them and answer question write two easy, each should be one and half page around single spaced total 3 page single spaced

Answer preview  Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.


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