Identify and select a company in an Industry you are interested in researching

Identify and select a company in an Industry you are interested in researching

This is an individual research assignment in which you develop an analysis of the Technological Needs within the company that you have selected (the company has to be in the US).You may select the company for which you are currently doing the Project however the technological need has to be something different than the Project focus. This is something you are identifying so it does not have to be anything the company liaison told you about.


Identify and select a company in an Industry you are interested in researching (the company has to be in the US).

Use business and information systems research databases that are available via the FAU library as well as Organization and technology websites to obtain information on Industry Standards and Best Practices.

Utilize publicly available company reports and company websites to identify specific technology implementations within the company you selected.

Follow the structure given below for analysis.

Write and submit a research report with appropriate charts and tables. This should be a minimum length of 4 pages single spaced excluding charts and tables.Submit the report to Safe Assign or Turnitin on Canvas.

The research report must be structured as follows:

Introduction: Discuss the background of the Company including Industry and organizational characteristics.

Needs Assessment:Identify Technology needs of the Company against Industry Standards in ONE of the following areas:

Networks and Internet – This includes mainframe computers, network servers, desktops, laptops, web-based services, portals, intranets, extranets and cloud computing.

Mobile and Wireless Technologies – This includes mobile applications and wireless devices.

Collaborative Technologies – This includes collaboration and groupware technology such as google docs etc.

Enterprise Applications – This includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

Gap Analysis: Identify the specific Area of Need and do a comparative analysis of what the company has versus the Benchmark standards obtained from the Industry.

Results: Using a Likert item, how successful has the company been in the efforts to implement these technologies within the organization?

Bibliography:Include all references you used in doing this research. Utilize APA 6th edition format.

Remember: The primary focus is technological needs.Any other issues are secondary.


Answer preview Identify and select a company in an Industry you are interested in researching

Identify and select a company in an Industry you are interested in researching


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