You work for a private contracting company that provides cybersecurity services to a US government agency

You work for a private contracting company that provides cybersecurity services to a US government agency

Topic Scenario


whistle with zipper.jpg

Imagine the following  ethical dilemma: You work for a private contracting company that provides cybersecurity services to a US government agency. Your position pays six figures. You become aware that your company is cheating the government and not providing the agreed-upon services. You also learn that the company is falsely billing the government for work that is not being done. You are now in the position of choosing whether or not you will be a “whistle-blower”.


What are your considerations and concerns?

Who will you go to and report if you decide to inform authorities about the misdeeds?

What laws are being broken?

How will you protect yourself from retaliation by the company?

What actions will you take?

Review the Sans Institute Ethics Policy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to better assist you as you develop your discussion.

Post & Engage

Make every attempt to post your initial response by the middle of the module week. After posting your response, review your classmates’ posts and make a thoughtful and substantive response to at least two others by the end of the module week.

Refer to the discussion rubric for detailed grading criteria.

Answer preview  You work for a private contracting company that provides cybersecurity services to a US government agencyYou work for a private contracting company that provides cybersecurity services to a US government agency


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