Provide an executive summary of your findings regarding the detective controls in place

Provide an executive summary of your findings regarding the detective controls in place


Review the attached Case Study. (You may remember this firm from other classes.) You have been called in to evaluate the physical security structure of the company in the case study.

CYBR 510 Case study(2).pdf

In one Word or PDF document, analyze and explain the following:

Provide an executive summary of your findings regarding the detective controls in place (cameras and alarms) and your recommendations.

List and explain areas the case study company does well for physical detection and response.

List and explain three areas the case study company needs improvement on its security detection, alerting, and response.

Provide and explain at least three (3) techniques or technologies that would improve the company’s security detection, alerting, and response.

For this week, only evaluate and recommend detective, alerting, and response controls.

Answer preview  Provide an executive summary of your findings regarding the detective controls in place

Provide an executive summary of your findings regarding the detective controls in place


448 words