Pick a Fintech company that interests you and figure out how it is improving the financial services landscape.

Pick a Fintech company that interests you and figure out how it is improving the financial services landscape.

Pick a Fintech company that interests you and figure out how it is improving the financial services landscape.

Each student must choose a unique company to research. Before starting, you will need to let me know your desired company and I will check to make sure there are no duplicates.

All students will present to the class on April 3rd in groups.

An excellent paper will include the following 5 components:

1. 4-7 pages in length (not including visuals). Brevity is valued.

2. Competitive analysis of 5-10 companies going after the same market or having the same product, with a focus and more detail around the 1 company that you think is their greatest threat, and why. Make sure to always have supporting references. I’m looking for informed opinions.

3. An understanding of the company’s organizational structure and why it is advantageous.

4. Criticisms and insights resulting from your findings about the company.

5. Video or voice-recording evidence of a personal interview with an employee of that company. You should prepare a list of 10 questions in advance and figure out a way to arrange a brief 10 – 15 minute interview with someone from that company. A link to the video or voice recording should be uploaded in the comments section. Anyone who does not upload a video or voice recording of the interview, will automatically lose 3 points. Even if you are not able to record the interview, it is a requirement that you meet with an employee. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 6 points. This is a critical component. Make sure to elaborate on the findings from your interview in the paper. The 10 questions for the employee should be included as an addendum at the end of your paper. If unable to speak to an employee and do an interview, you can instead look up an interview of an employee (in print or video) from that company and provide an overview of what was discussed, and answered. Please cite the reference and include the write up in the body of your paper.

Answer preview  Pick a Fintech company that interests you and figure out how it is improving the financial services landscape.

Pick a Fintech company that interests you and figure out how it is improving the financial services landscape.


3506 words