Long-term objectives are defined as the result a firm seeks to achieve over a specified period, typically five years.

Long-term objectives are defined as the result a firm seeks to achieve over a specified period, typically five years.

Long-term objectives are defined as the result a firm seeks to achieve over a specified period, typically five years. Any long-term objectives should be flexible, measurable over time, motivating, suitable, and understandable.

Select a company and research their annual report. Summarize two or three of the company’s long-term objectives. Explain how each long-term objective is flexible, measurable over time, motivating, suitable, and understandable./p pInclude in your initial post at least one reference using the CSU Library or other professional and scholarly references. You may want to use the Business Management Administration Library Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to begin your research. Your responses in the discussion board must be well written according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Be sure to post an initial, substantive response of a minimum of 250 words

Answer preview Long-term objectives are defined as the result a firm seeks to achieve over a specified period, typically five years.

Long-term objectives are defined as the result a firm seeks to achieve over a specified period typically five years.

313 words