Teamwork and communication skills are increasingly important topics as most organizations rely on teams to be successful and communication skills to successfully lead teams.
team work This unit focuses on group dynamics, teams and teamwork. Teamwork and communication skills are increasingly important topics as most organizations rely on teams to be successful and communication skills to successfully lead teams. Rarely do organizations succeed when they are made up of a group of ‘Lone Rangers’. At the same time – just putting eleven people together doesn’t make a football team. The coach has to be concerned with the skill the various players – and it is important to note that it takes a lot of different types of skills – everyone doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be alike; everyone has to understand the goal, work hard, work together, communicate; and win as a team. Work teams are a lot like this as well, although most organizations have not done as good of job as many athletic teams do in understanding and implementing the requirements for teamwork. Generally and unfortunately, sports teams usually do a better job of setting goals and developing teamwork than do business organizations. Why do you suppose this is true?
Answer preview Teamwork and communication skills are increasingly important topics as most organizations rely on teams to be successful and communication skills to successfully lead teams.
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