The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material.

The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material.

The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Approach your response as though it is a mini essay with complete sentences, distinct paragraphs, and correct spelling and punctuation. Grammar and spelling matter. Online courses demand the same standard of academic communication and use of grammar as face-to-face courses.

Please respond to the following questions using a minimum of 300 words:

Sensation and perception are closely linked. What is the critical distinction between the two? Provide an example of each.

If we sensed and attended equally to each stimulus in the world, the amount of information would be overwhelming. What sensory and perceptual processes help us lessen the din?

Discuss your experience of the Selective Attention Test

In addition, you are expected to provide a supportive and/or reflective comment to the post of one classmate. In order to receive the maximum possible 10 points, you must accurately and thoroughly answer each part of the discussion prompt using at least 300 words (including the prompt in your response is not included in the word count) and comment on the post of one of your classmates

Answer preview  The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material.

The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material.


343 words