Tesla, Inc.
Company this is for: Tesla, Inc.
SEC 10-k at https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/
Answer all of the questions below and do NOT cut and paste from the 10-K.
Use your own words to answer.
This week’s discussion assists in your preparation of the report due next week on the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity for your company.
For each column or section of the statement of shareholders’ equity displayed for your SEC 10-K company list the title and provide comments on major line items for the three years presented
Section or column titles likely include
Beginning Balance
Retained Earnings or Accumulated Deficit
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income or Loss
Net Income or Loss
Your comments should explain the current value of Retained Earnings or Accumulated Deficit and how it changed for each year presented
Dividends paid
Stock repurchased
Other line items
Explain any other major items of changes your learn from reading the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity for your SEC 10-K company
Answer preview Tesla, Inc.
302 words