Can Government intervention in HIT be justified

Can Government intervention in HIT be justified

Instructions: Answer ALL the questions below. You may use the text (chapter 3, Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, Third Edition Patrice L. Spath) ( I will send the lecture with the slides when this gets assigned) a. You may also use external sources to answer these questions. PLEASE cite your work and sources. Upload a word document. All questions require a minimum of 200 words each.

Q1: Can Government intervention in HIT be justified? Why or why not? (Hint: Chapter 3 – pages 53-56.) 5 points

Q2: What is HIPAA? Why was it passed? What are the two key provisions of this legislation? What are the potential benefits to healthcare organizations to be gained by compliance with HIPAA standards? What are the potential benefits to patients and consumers of health care? (Hint: read glandon, chapter 3 pages 59-64 + – cite your sources; summarize benefits in your own words) 5 points

Q 3: What is the HITECH act? Why was it passed? What are the potential benefits to providers (doctors and hospitals) by responding to this legislation? What are the potential drawbacks? (Hint: read Glandon, chapter 3 pgs-64-70; summarize benefits and drawbacks in your own words) 5 points

Q 4: Order the following types of healthcare information systems from most important to least important to a healthcare organization, and discuss why you chose this order ( 5 points)

a. Clinical Information System

b. Operational management (Management Information System)

c. Strategic Decision Support System

d. Electronic networking and e- health applications.

Cite appropriately

Answer preview Can Government intervention in HIT be justified

Can Government intervention in HIT be justified


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