After watching the video, please write a 2 page paper reflecting on the ideas from the video.

After watching the video, please write a 2 page paper reflecting on the ideas from the video.

First watch this youtube video on Dr. Lori Desautels:

After watching the video, please write a 2 page paper reflecting on the ideas from
the video. (12 pt, double spaced). Please refer to 3-5 ideas on discipline that Dr.
Lori Desautels discusses. These can be ideas that you agree with, disagree with,
can apply within your building or classroom, new ideas you haven’t previously
thought about, etc. Please make sure you focus on discipline and not veer
towards other topics within the classroom.
We all know about discipline in schools- whether it be from our own experiences,
those practices we have witnessed upon others, or current practices being used
in schools today. We all come with different philosophies and beliefs on this
topic and that is okay. We as educators must come together to do what’s best for
all kids.

Answer preview After watching the video, please write a 2 page paper reflecting on the ideas from the video.

After watching the video, please write a 2 page paper reflecting on the ideas from the video.


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