Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance.

Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance.


Your own independent research.


In this 3-part discussion, you will (1) compose a 3-paragraph original post, (2) compose ONE response post to a classmate, then (3) write a “reflection” to your own original post about this aesthetic experience. Please Complete Parts 1 and 3!

1. Carefully view the excerpts of the Swan Lake and Night Journey dance selections

2. Find and read TWO research sources (BEYOND your text book – try google scholar) concerning the two selections and be prepared to integrate them in your essay. Be sure to cite these research sources too.

3. Write a new thread using the following instructions:

In the FIRST paragraph (at least 150 words):

Using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide,(attached) identify the dance elements in the Swan Lake excerpt.

Identify Swan Lake as either Classical Ballet or Modern Dance.

Then, using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide (attached), evaluate the choreography. Is this a good example of this type of art? Is it well presented? What are its points of value?

In the SECOND paragraph (at least 150 words):

Using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide (attached), identify the dance elements in the Night Journey excerpt.

Identify Night Journey as either Classical Ballet or Modern Dance.

Then, using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide (attached), evaluate the choreography. Is this a good example of this type of art? Is it well presented? What are its points of value?

In the THIRD paragraph (at least 150 words):

Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance.

Identify how both of these dance compositions (Swan Lake and Night Journey) are “interdisciplinary” (i.e. are related to one or more of the disciplines in humanities we have studied so far).

2. Read one of your classmates’ original posts. Then compose a response post (at least 100 words) that does at least TWO of the following:
-Extends or adds to his/her point(s)
-Asks a clarifying question
-Disagrees (with reasoning and evidence) with the author’s analysis
-Adds to the understanding of the analysis
-Offers constructive suggestions for improvement

3. Finally, return to your own original post, and write a “reflection” reply to your own post of at least 50 words, in which you:

Reflect on this aesthetic experience: Do you have a deeper appreciation of “dance” as a form of art? What impact did this experience have on you?

Indicate whether you’ve learned anything additional after reviewing your classmate’s post.

school Humanities school HUM1020

Answer preview Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance.

Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance.


616 words