Identify family challenges and outline support strategies.

Identify family challenges and outline support strategies.

Identify family challenges and outline support strategies.

Think about the family types that you described in the first part of your post and respond to the following questions:

What specific challenges might children and parents in each family type encounter?

What can child care professionals and educators do to help support parents and children who are members of each of these types of families?

How can communities play a role in family support?

Cite all sources appropriately.



One two-part narrative paper, 3-4 pages (750-1000 words).

Develop a detailed two-part narrative paper that reflects the perspectives of one young child and one middle child, highlighting the social emotional experiences of each.

Your goal in this paper is to assume the perspectives of two children of different ages to illustrate your understanding of the social emotional experiences and challenges that children of these different age groups encounter at these points in their life spans. You should write in their voices and from their points of view. The hypothetical children that you develop to tell their stories in this assignment should serve as vehicles for you to demonstrate what you have learned about social emotional development in early and middle childhood.

Think of the two children that you will speak through in your narrative as real people that have backgrounds, families, life histories, successes and struggles. Think specifically about where each of the children that you will use to illustrate social emotional development in early and middle childhood fall in terms of the following categories, and how such might impact their social emotional experiences:


Sexual orientation

Special needs

Family structure

Social class


Social support

Peer groups


School or child care environment

Activities engagement

Once you have created mental portraits of two children—one in early childhood and one in middle childhood—write a narrative for each that provides a snapshot of their social emotional experiences and challenges.

Consider the following questions as you write:

How do the different background characteristics of each child—age, gender, family structure, number of siblings, culture, language, etc.—play a role in his/her social emotional development?

How can you best illustrate the experiences and challenges that young and middle children encounter as they develop socially and emotionally?

What is making and maintaining friends like for each child? Why?

How does each child’s family and home environment impact his/her social emotional experiences?

How are the social emotional experiences for young children similar to and different from those of middle children?

While this is a creative assignment, it also requires critical thinking and the application of specific knowledge from our course materials. When you raise important, formative aspects of social emotional development that you learned about in class materials, cite supporting page numbers appropriately. Your two-part narrative should be a reflection of what you have learned about the social emotional development in young and middle children.

Answer preview Identify family challenges and outline support strategies.

Identify family challenges and outline support strategies.


1627 words