When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research.

When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research.

When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research. For instance, having a strong opinion on a specific topic may deter you from thinking more critically, and therefore the research might end up being one-sided. It is a good idea to pick a topic in which you can provide a good argument for both sides of the societal issue.

Write: For this discussion, address the following prompts:

Identify a global societal issue from the following list that you would consider researching further for your Week 5 Final Paper:

Aging population

Critical Thinking Skills for the 21st Century

Gender Inequality

Global Climate Change

Global Water Shortage

Marginalization and Minorities

Refugee Crises

Children’s Rights

Social Media Censorship

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper.

Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.

Summarize information from at least two scholarly journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims for your chosen topic.

Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.

Download and attach a PDF copy of one of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles that you found from the Ashford University Library to your answer using the “Attach” function located below your response.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response

Answer preview When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research.

When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research.


712 words