Care management is a combination of activities proposed to recover patient care and lessen the necessity for medical services by enhancing the management of care.

Care management is a combination of activities proposed to recover patient care and lessen the necessity for medical services by enhancing the management of care.

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Care management is a combination of activities proposed to recover patient care and lessen the necessity for medical services by enhancing the management of care. Also, take out duplication, help patients and guardians all the more viably oversee wellbeing conditions. Care Management is an aggregate procedure of valuation, arranging, disentanglement and care coordination for choices and administrations to meet a person’s and family’s thorough wellbeing needs, (Kante 2015). This is accomplished through correspondence and accessible assets to energize understanding wellbeing, nature of care, and financially savvy results.


Care management is a mix of exercises proposed to recoup patients care and lessen the need of medicinal administrations while case management is an aggregate procedure of valuation, arranging and care coordination for administrations to meet individual and family’s far-reaching wellbeing needs (Kante 2015). Care management sources its profession from diverse fields that are health-related such as nursing, psychology, among others, while case management focuses primarily on acquiring nurses and social workers professionals.

In care management, the clients define the scope of work; therefore, the care plan is developed with the client’s contribution. On the other hand, in case management, the agency is responsible for defining the limit and scope of work (Mitchell & CW., 2018). The care management involves the clients paying for the cost of care and occasionally, reimbursement from long-term care insurance is allowed. While in case of management the payment is made by agency-specific funding including hospitals system, insurance company and government programs (Kante 2015).


The clinical practice of community health nursing utilizes most of the concept of case management in their daily activities. The case management nurses in the community health nursing are given the duty of taking care of patients who are under long-term treatment. The case management is essential for patients in long term treatment as it will help them to access insurance and donor services for the procedure. The second concept of case management that is utilized in the clinical practice is focusing on being diverse in terms of assessing the patient’s conditions (Mitchell & CW., 2018).

This will enable us to understand more about the patient’s diagnosis. Moreover, case management allows the doctor to examine the background of the patients. This includes the medical, social, psychological history for better synchronization of care. In clinical practice, case managers organize with other departments to enable extra care that can be required for the patients (Mitchell & CW., 2018).


Family is defined differently by the various group of people. Nonetheless, primarily family refers to the smallest unit in a society consisting of one or two parents and their children. Family cans also a group of two or more individuals with common goal, value, commitments and live together (Kante 2015). There are six different types of families: Nuclear family, single-parent families, extended families, childless family, stepfamily and grandparent family. The nuclear family consists of two parents that are married and their children. The single-parent family is defined as a type o family that includes one parent and one or more kids (Mitchell & CW., 2018). The extended family consists of two or more adults related by blood or marriage alongside children. The extended family usually lives together for social support to attain a common goal. Childless families consist of two parents who cannot and don’t have children. Stepfamily involves when two separate families blend into one. Example two divorced parents with one or more children known as blending families. Grandparent family is a family that consists of grandparents raising their grandchild (Mitchell & CW., 2018).

One of the models of care for families is Lazarus and stress-coping model. The Lazarus and stress coping model involve providing a verbal explanation and information sheet to parents as a way of reducing anxiety. The shared care is another model care for families. The shared care model involves increasing engagement with the families and shared bedside documentation for planning and negotiation. Family-centered rounds model includes the families participating in ward rounds and discussion with teams involved in their child’s care plan (Kante 2015).


Moving from the family level to response at the aggregate level means that those issues will be complicated. Therefore, the first strategy that will enable the efficient movement is designing a program for the action. The application should contain all the necessary steps and resources (Mitchell & CW., 2018). The second strategy is planning on how to implement the program effectively putting in mind all the objectives towards attaining the intervention at the aggregate level. The third strategy is implementing the program designed involving the critical community organizations with technical support and training. Furthermore, providing alternative options stand as another strategy for moving from intervention at the family level to mediation at the aggregate level (Mitchell & CW., 2018).



Kanter, J. (2015). Clinical case management: Definition, principles, components. Psychiatric Services40(4), 361-368.

Mitchell, M. L., & Chaboyer, W. (2018). Family Centered Care—A way to connect patients, families and nurses in critical care: A qualitative study using telephone interviews. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing26(3), 154-160.


Answer preview  Care management is a combination of activities proposed to recover patient care and lessen the necessity for medical services by enhancing the management of care. Care management is a combination of activities proposed to recover patient care and lessen the necessity for medical services by enhancing the management of care


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