Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session.

Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session.

Care coordination is the process of providing a smooth and seamless transition of care as part of the health continuum. Nurses must be aware of community resources, ethical considerations, policy issues, cultural norms, safety, and the physiological needs of patients. Nurses play a key role in providing the necessary knowledge and communication to ensure seamless transitions of care. They draw upon evidence-based practices to promote health and disease prevention to create a safe environment conducive to improving and maintaining the health of individuals, families, or aggregates within a community. When provided with a plan and the resources to achieve and maintain optimal health, patients benefit from a safe environment conducive to healing and a better quality of life.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply communication, teaching, and learning best practices to the presentation of a care coordination plan to the patient.


Note: You are required to complete Assessment 1 before this assessment.

For this assessment:

Complete the preliminary care coordination plan you developed in Assessment 1.

Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session. Communicate in a professional, culturally sensitive, and ethical manner.

Collaborate with the patient in evaluating session outcomes and addressing possible revisions to the plan.

Reminder: The time you spend presenting your final care coordination plan must be logged in the CORE ELMS system. The total time spent in securing individual participation in this activity in Assessment 1 and presenting your plan in this assessment must be at least three hours. The CORE ELMS link is located in the courseroom navigation menu.

Document Format and Length

Build on the preliminary plan document you created in Assessment 1. Your final plan should be 5–7 pages in length.

Supporting Evidence

Support your care coordination plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources. Cite at least three credible sources.

Grading Requirements

The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Final Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Design patient-centered health interventions and timelines for care.

Address three patient health issues.

Design an intervention for each health issue.

Identify three community resources for each health intervention, so the patient may make an informed decision about what resources to use.

Make ethical decisions in designing patient-centered health interventions.

Consider the practical effects of specific decisions.

Include the ethical questions that generate uncertainty about the decisions you have made.

Identify relevant health policy implications for the coordination and continuum of care.

Cite specific health policy provisions.

Evaluate learning session outcomes and the attainment of mutually agreed-upon health goals, in collaboration with the patient.

What aspects of the session would you change?

How might revisions to the plan improve future outcomes?

Evaluate patient satisfaction with the care coordination plan and progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.

What changes would you recommend to improve patient satisfaction and better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?

Additional Requirements

Before submitting your assessment, proofread your final care coordination plan to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan.

You must also submit your plan and community resources list to the CORE ELMS system.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your final care coordination plan to your ePortfolio.

24 hours ago

school research school Capella University school Care Plan school Final Care Coordination Plan description 5 pages, Double Spacing bookmark Coordinating Patient Centered CareComplete the preliminary care coordination plan you developed in Assessment 1. Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session and collaborate with the patient in evaluating session outcomes and addressing possible revisions to the plan.

Care coordination is the process of providing a smooth and seamless transition of care as part of the health continuum. Nurses must be aware of community resources, ethical considerations, policy issues, cultural norms, safety, and the physiological needs of patients. Nurses play a key role in providing the necessary knowledge and communication to ensure seamless transitions of care. They draw upon evidence-based practices to promote health and disease prevention to create a safe environment conducive to improving and maintaining the health of individuals, families, or aggregates within a community. When provided with a plan and the resources to achieve and maintain optimal health, patients benefit from a safe environment conducive to healing and a better quality of life.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply communication, teaching, and learning best practices to the presentation of a care coordination plan to the patient.


Note: You are required to complete Assessment 1 before this assessment.

For this assessment:

Complete the preliminary care coordination plan you developed in Assessment 1.

Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session. Communicate in a professional, culturally sensitive, and ethical manner.

Collaborate with the patient in evaluating session outcomes and addressing possible revisions to the plan.

Reminder: The time you spend presenting your final care coordination plan must be logged in the CORE ELMS system. The total time spent in securing individual participation in this activity in Assessment 1 and presenting your plan in this assessment must be at least three hours. The CORE ELMS link is located in the courseroom navigation menu.

Document Format and Length

Build on the preliminary plan document you created in Assessment 1. Your final plan should be 5–7 pages in length.

Supporting Evidence

Support your care coordination plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources. Cite at least three credible sources.

Grading Requirements

The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Final Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Design patient-centered health interventions and timelines for care.

Address three patient health issues.

Design an intervention for each health issue.

Identify three community resources for each health intervention, so the patient may make an informed decision about what resources to use.

Make ethical decisions in designing patient-centered health interventions.

Consider the practical effects of specific decisions.

Include the ethical questions that generate uncertainty about the decisions you have made.

Identify relevant health policy implications for the coordination and continuum of care.

Cite specific health policy provisions.

Evaluate learning session outcomes and the attainment of mutually agreed-upon health goals, in collaboration with the patient.

What aspects of the session would you change?

How might revisions to the plan improve future outcomes?

Evaluate patient satisfaction with the care coordination plan and progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.

What changes would you recommend to improve patient satisfaction and better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?

Additional Requirements

Before submitting your assessment, proofread your final care coordination plan to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan.

You must also submit your plan and community resources list to the CORE ELMS system.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your final care coordination plan to your ePortfolio.

Answer preview  Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session.

Present the plan to the patient in a face-to-face clinical learning session.


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