Select two types of business credits and conduct research on them.

Select two types of business credits and conduct research on them.

For this assignment, pretend that you are a business owner, either in the product or service industry, who need to make a decision on the types of credit you wish to offer to your customers. You will write an essay comparing two types of business credit, see section 16-4c. Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words. Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

Select two types of business credits and conduct research on them.

Describe in detail the advantage and disadvantages of your selected credit types. You MUST create a chart showing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of credit type discussed in Chapter 16.

Explain the rationale of your decision and how your selected credit types will fit in your industry.

Include in your essay, your answer for the following question – “If you can only offer one type of credit, see 16-4c in Chapter 16, for your business, what would it be and why?

Follow APA guidelines for citing your sources and references..

Answer preview  Select two types of business credits and conduct research on them.

Select two types of business credits and conduct research on them.


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