What is the most or least important element of a business plan

What is the most or least important element of a business plan

In the Textbook:

Chapter 5: The Business Plan: Road Map to Success


Levitt, T. (2004). Marketing myopiaPreview the documentHarvard Business Review, July-August 2004, pp. 1-13.

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., In Clark, T., & Smith, A. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengersPreview the document.

Porter, M. (March 2001). Strategy and the InternetPreview the documentHarvard Business Review, March 2001, pp. 62-78.


The Business Model Canvas, presented by Alexander Osterwalder

Discussion 1

Refer to the Honest Tea plan in Chapter 5, The Business Plan: Road Map to Success (pp. 181-207) in your textbook.

From the perspective of an investor, what is the most or least important element of a business plan, and why? To say this another way, what is the first or last section of the plan that you would read? Discuss one or the other.

Discussion 2

Refer to the Honest Tea plan in Chapter 5, The Business Plan: Road Map to Success (pp. 181-207) in your textbook.

From the perspective of the entrepreneur, what is the most or least important element of a business plan, and why? To say this another way, what section of the plan would you would put most or least of your time into? Discuss one or the other.

Discussion 3

Review the financial press over the next week and read a sampling of articles relevant to entrepreneurship, start-up financing and the venture capital industry. Select an article to share with the class. Link the article to this discussion and explain what you found most interesting about it.

Discussion 4

Have you ever developed or been involved in the development of a business plan or idea? Relative to the material reviewed so far, what was your experience like? Where did your idea come from, and how well did you make the leap from idea to opportunity?


account_balance Webster University bookmark ENT301 Entrepreneurship

Each discussion is approximately half a page dbl space.

Answer preview What is the most or least important element of a business plan

What is the most or least important element of a business plan


596 words