Create a response to this discussion board post that includes the name of the individual and business(es) you are profiling.

Create a response to this discussion board post that includes the name of the individual and business(es) you are profiling.

1) Create a response to this discussion board post that includes the name of the individual and business(es) you are profiling. Include also the three biggest contributors to the entrepreneur’s success (in three words or short phrases; ex: luck, passion, subject matter expertise, social connections, risk tolerance, etc.).

2) Write-up your takeaways from the entrepreneur whose story you focused on. What were the things you found most notable about their story? What did you learn? What surprised you? What were their biggest obstacles or “make or break” moments and how did they overcome them? Practice writing skills that balance the richness and conciseness you’ll need in entrepreneurship and keep your write-ups to 1 page. Attach this write-up to your post on this discussion board.

3) talk about the venture. Give a very brief description of the business and spend most of your time focusing on your big takeaways from their experience — what were the important lessons your learned about business, yourself, the practice of entrepreneurship

this the link for the podcast…

Answer preview Create a response to this discussion board post that includes the name of the individual and business(es) you are profiling.

Create a response to this discussion board post that includes the name of the individual and business(es) you are profiling.


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