Who are major players in this business?

Who are major players in this business?

1) PART 1:

SUBJECT: Think of something you are interested in, that involves business in some way. (It could be high tech, cosmetics, food, a sport, a performing art,special effects in movies, etc.) It could be a for-profit business or a non-profit organization (such as Sierra Club or a church organization). Pick a business firm (organization, such as a coporation, example: WALMART) involved with that (or it can be a smaller local business or church, zoo, etc). So here, I mean “business” in the broadest sense: as some form of organization that uses money and credit, hires people, provides some product or service or entertainment, etc.

About your chosen organization/business firm (company), find at least 2 articles (online or printed, in magazines, etc.) FROM THE LAST 2 MONTHS that show some important news in that business/activity, with effects on that business/organization. Then, in your own words (as much as you can), answer these (labeled like this, in this order):

a) What, in a short summary, mostly in your own words, do these articles tell us about the current state of that business/activity? In other words, what big changes are happening, or coming? And, as needed, with a bit more research into a wider picture:

B)Who are major players in this business? (Meaning, the powerful individuals, and the other firms in that line of business, competitors, big investors, etc.?) In other words, what persons or groups have a big impact on how things go?

(c) What kinds of organizations are these firms/organizations commonly in? For example, are they corporations? Large ones? Small ones?

D) What are some main laws/regulations they operate under? Is this changing — are they facing new regulations, or maybe less regulation under the current US government

E) What are major challenges faced in doing this business, for example, are they growing and hiring more people now? Must they spend more soon on tech? Are there new technologies affecting their business, such as new ways to shop and choose their products? Is this organization moving well with the times?




For each item below, make a statement (like a little story, from one sentence long, to a few) of an IMAGINARY BUSINESS or businesses (not a real business name) DOING EACH OF THE FOLLOWING THINGS (which means the business would be VIOLATING, BREAKING this law each time, by simply doing what is described in each item). NOTE: THIS IS IN DIFFERENT ORDER FROM THE ACTUAL LAW, and from EARLIER SEMESTERS, SO COPYING OLDER PAPERS from earlier semesters will not work. MAKE EACH ONE SEPARATE; NUMBER EACH SEPARATE LITTLE STORY (answer part), IN ORDER, MATCHING THE NUMBERS BELOW:


Adapted from California Civil Code section 1770

“Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices”:


[These are out of order from the actual law, and the language is shortened:]

The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts [by a seller] intended to result in sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer are unlawful:

Representing that goods are original or new if they have deteriorated unreasonably or are used.
[Falsely stating] geographic origin [of] goods or services.
Disparaging [defaming: see business torts notes] goods, services, or business of another by false [statement] of fact.
Misrepresenting certification by [a government agency or other organization].
Representing that goods or services have sponsorship, approval,characteristics, ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities they do not have.
Misrepresenting the source [or] sponsorship of goods or services.
Representing that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or that goods are of a particular … model, if they are of another.
Advertising goods or services with intent not to supply reasonably expectable demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity.
Representing that a part, replacement, or repair service is needed when it isn’t.
Inserting an unconscionable provision in the contract. [Look it up! It is in the textbook, in our later contracts notes, or in a legal dictionary.]
Misrepresenting the authority of a salesperson, representative, or agent to negotiate the final terms of a transaction with a consumer.

Answer preview who are major players in this business?

Who are major players in this business


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