Select and read one current customer relations article from any number of business periodicals

Select and read one current customer relations article from any number of business periodicals

Use the following as a guideline in completing the journal article summary:

Select and read one current customer relations article from any number of business periodicals, which may include Business Week, Fortune, The Economist, Newsweek or the Harvard Business Review. An article can also be selected from a reputable news source on the internet. The article must be substantial enough to analyze.

Following an introductory paragraph introducing the article and its main theme, provide a brief and concise summation of the article. The summation will be an outline of the major issues presented.

Analyze how the business topic presented in the article relates to a class discussion and/or topic covered in your book. Mere restatement of the article is insufficient for an exceptional grade. You should discuss why and how the article deals with the course material. Your ability to analyze and synthesize information presented in the article is critical to earning a “high” grade on this assignment. Without a well-done analysis, your grade cannot be any higher than a “c”.

Show the appropriate reference for the article. Properly document the article’s title and respective author as well as the periodical from which it was taken. This documentation can be shown either at the beginning or end of your report.

For example, with an article selected from a business magazine, such as Business Week, you type:

Grover, r. (2001, September 19). A megawatt power play in California. Business week, pg. 34-35.

With an article selected from a newspaper, you type the following:

Market slide ravages value of CEO’s options. (2001, September 1). The Wall Street Journal, pg. B1, b4.

Each journal article summary should be typed, double-spaced, and between two and four pages in length.

Answer preview Select and read one current customer relations article from any number of business periodicalsSelect and read one current customer relations article from any number of business periodicals


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