Characterize businesses that you have previously worked for or currently work for as centralized or decentralized, more vertical (taller) or flatter

Characterize businesses that you have previously worked for or currently work for as centralized or decentralized, more vertical (taller) or flatter

Company Structure, Responsibility Centers, and Budgeting

Centralized or Decentralized? View the resources here before answering the questions below.

Characterize businesses that you have previously worked for or currently work for as centralized or decentralized, more vertical (taller) or flatter. How did you make this determination? What impact would this have on the three types of company responsibility centers?

If you were to structure your own company would it be centralized or decentralized, taller or flatter and why? What are the benefits or drawbacks to the type of business you would own and explain whether you would use flexible or static budgeting and why?


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Answer preview Characterize businesses that you have previously worked for or currently work for as centralized or decentralized, more vertical (taller) or flatter

Characterize businesses that you have previously worked for or currently work for as centralized or decentralized, more vertical (taller) or flatter


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