What personality does this brand have select one known person that perfectly reflects your chosen brand.

What personality does this brand have select one known person that perfectly reflects your chosen brand.

What to do

Choose a brand you like and Create a PowerPoint presentation to answer the following:

-Display brand logo (evolution & explanation)

Brand identity (how the brand is shaped and how it looks with all its elements . It doesn’t matter if it has or not brand guidelines)

-what is the brand purpose or promise

-Brand touch points and experiences supported by visuals

-What personality does this brand have select one known person that perfectly reflects your chosen brand. Think of brand ambassadors , usually they give a perfect reflect of the brand or the targeted audience.

Finally 🙂 through your research of the chosen brand’s behavior, media strategies, copywriting and advertising direction do you believe that it respects what it stands for? Why, explain through tangible examples.

Good luck 🙂

this is assignment 1, you can choose nike or Coca Cola you can do it as word document

Answer preview What personality does this brand have select one known person that perfectly reflects your chosen brand.

What personality does this brand have select one known person that perfectly reflects your chosen brand.

7 slides