Visit the following link and watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein discuss his book Young Americans Are the Dumbest Generation

Visit the following link and watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein discuss his book Young Americans Are the Dumbest Generation

Visit the following link and watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein discuss his book Young Americans Are the Dumbest Generation: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

If you are not able to access this video, use the Internet to conduct a search on Mark Bauerlein and his bookThe Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future-Or Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30, for another video link or article. Here is one alternative link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

After you have watched the video or read a review of the book, consider whether or not media exposure is beneficial. Use your text as a reference to evaluate the credibility of the justification Bauerlein gives to support his claim. Do you agree with his viewpoint? Why or why not?

Answer preview Visit the following link and watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein discuss his book Young Americans Are the Dumbest Generation

Visit the following link and watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein discuss his book Young Americans Are the Dumbest Generation


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