Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Using the Moral Principles of Ethical Decision Making below explain why the ethical principle correlates with your situation.

Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Using the Moral Principles of Ethical Decision Making below explain why the ethical principle correlates with your situation.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Nurses face ethical situations every day. Currently, the ANA has a list of ethics resources pertaining to the following topics: Discuss an ethical issue you have experienced. – STATE YOUR ETHICAL ISSUE AT THE BEGINNING of the response.

Social justice

Moral courage, distress, and resilience

End of life issues



Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Using the Moral Principles of Ethical Decision Making below explain why the ethical principle correlates with your situation. UNDERLINE the ETHICAL PRINCIPLE in your discussion.

Answer preview Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Using the Moral Principles of Ethical Decision Making below explain why the ethical principle correlates with your situation.

Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Using the Moral Principles of Ethical Decision Making below explain


702 words