Describe the key psychological, somatic, cognitive, neurological and behavioral issues counselors must be aware of when counseling a client with trauma.

Describe the key psychological, somatic, cognitive, neurological and behavioral issues counselors must be aware of when counseling a client with trauma.

DQ 1

Describe the key psychological, somatic, cognitive, neurological and behavioral issues counselors must be aware of when counseling a client with trauma.

DQ 2

Determine the specific training needs required for trauma counselors. Describe how counselors know if they are acting outside their area of competence. What steps should they take to resolve this issue?

Answer preview  Describe the key psychological, somatic, cognitive, neurological and behavioral issues counselors must be aware of when counseling a client with trauma.

Describe the key psychological, somatic, cognitive, neurological and behavioral issues counselors must be aware of when counseling a client with trauma.

628 words