How does the label of emotional and behavioral disorders affect your attitude of a child who is given this label? Have you ever been labeled?

How does the label of emotional and behavioral disorders affect your attitude of a child who is given this label? Have you ever been labeled?

Activity #1: Due Week 2 Negative labels can easily become selffulfilling prophecies. They prevent you from seeing the child’s positive qualities and may even cause you to lower your expectation of him/her. How does the label of emotional and behavioral disorders affect your attitude of a child who is given this label? Have you ever been labeled?

How did the label affect your behavior and your relationships? Can you think of a situation when you have labeled someone else? Please support your activity with related web sites and You-tube videos. Please describe the content of these web sites and You-tube videos.

Answer preview How does the label of emotional and behavioral disorders affect your attitude of a child who is given this label? Have you ever been labeled?

How does the label of emotional and behavioral disorders affect your attitude of a child who is given this label? Have you ever been labeled?


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