Find two book reviews of God is Not One, and compare the way the two authors critique the book. What do they each find as the strengths?

Find two book reviews of God is Not One, and compare the way the two authors critique the book. What do they each find as the strengths?

Find two book reviews of God is Not One, and compare the way the two authors critique the book. What do they each find as the strengths? What do they see as the weaknesses? Why do you think is it important to evaluate the books that we read?

Answer the above questions in a minimum of 700-800 words. Include a minimum of 5 quotes from the two reviews. Quotes should be followed by a reference, e.g. (Prothero, pg. 128).

Answer preview Find two book reviews of God is Not One, and compare the way the two authors critique the book. What do they each find as the strengths?

Find two book reviews of God is Not One, and compare the way the two authors critique the book. What do they each find as the strengths?


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