What are the benefits of emotional intelligence in building relationships as a leader?

What are the benefits of emotional intelligence in building relationships as a leader?

Emotional Intelligence
You may conduct your own research to learn more about emotional intelligence (EI). Also, access and review the following content:
*By Gwen Sandefur, CEO of LoudMinds discussing EI, executive coaching, leadership
*See attached articles from Harvard Business Review, Harvard Psychologist, or do your own research
Daniel Goleman.
*You can access a number of resources that include his biography, audio and video recordings, and articles online.
*Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (EI Consortium). On this site, you will find links to access “Guidelines for Best Practice” and “The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence.”
*MindTools. On this site, you will find a number of articles and videos and a free self-assessment tool. Enter “emotional intelligence” in the search bar to locate resources.
QUESTIONS: Respond to the following discussion questions:
A.) In your own words, how would you describe emotional intelligence (EI)?
B.) Locate and complete a free EI online self-assessment.
You can locate a self-assessment on the MindTools website (https://www.mindtools.com) by using the search term “how emotionally intelligent are you.”
C.) Report your findings and insights gained from completing the self-assessment on paper.
D.) What are the benefits of emotional intelligence in building relationships as a leader?
E.) Provide real-world examples where a manager/leader needs EI in a workplace.

Background Information:
The term “emotional intelligence” first gained popularity after the 1995 publication of Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Since then, leaders have been using emotional intelligence concepts to better approach difficult situations and make better decisions. Simply put, emotional intelligence is one’s capacity to be aware of and express emotions and make interpersonal adjustments based on that awareness.

Lecture notes from Gwen Sandefur, CEO of LoudMinds from the zoom video conference this week.
Attached below are articles to used for this paper.
Website: MindTools
Website: Daniel Goleman
Website: Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (EI Consortium)

The idea in putting this paper together is centered around emotional intelligence in buildirswng relationships as a leader.

Answer preview what are the benefits of emotional intelligence in building relationships as a leader?

What are the benefits of emotional intelligence in building relationships as a leader


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