Assume the role of Alex Lewis, (see chapter 7 and 8 Role Plays) and prepare for a sales call to distribute a new product.

Assume the role of Alex Lewis, (see chapter 7 and 8 Role Plays) and prepare for a sales call to distribute a new product.

Assignment 3: Sales Call Planning, Negotiating and communicating value.

For this assignment assume the role of Alex Lewis, (see chapter 7 and 8 Role Plays) and prepare for a sales call to distribute a new product.


1) Review chapter 7 Role Play characters involved, setting the stage, and Tracy’s role.

2) Review chapter 8 Role Play, characters involved, setting the stage Alex’s role.


1) Analyze the features , advantages and benefits (FAB) of Happy Teeth relative to both end-users of the product-shoppers in Max’s Pharmacies and Max’s business.

2) Create a thorough list of major concerns objections Tracy may have about the new product. Happy Teeth, include all nine negotiation at least once.

3) Develop specific ways Alex can overcome each of Tracy’s objections.

a) Create a dialogue/ script each objection/negotiation strategy.

4) Use at least 3 quality resources in this assignment.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are

* Evaluate the external environment, selling approaches, communication value and ethics.

* Analyze the use of research and technology to improve sales force effectiveness.

* Role play various scenarios including value creation, ethics, and the sales process.

Grading Rubric

The student thoroughly analyzed the features, advantages and benefits (FAB’s)nof Happy Teeth relative to both end-users of the product-shoppers in Max’s Pharmacies and Max’s Business.

The student wholly created a thorough list of major concerns/objections. Tracy may have about the new product–Happy Teeth. The student included all nine negotiation strategies at least once.

Answer preview Assume the role of Alex Lewis, (see chapter 7 and 8 Role Plays) and prepare for a sales call to distribute a new product.

Assume the role of Alex Lewis (see chapter 7 and 8 Role Plays) and prepare for a sales call to distribute a new product
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