Provide an evaluation (750-1,000 words total) of at least five journal articles from Topics 4-6 of this course.

Provide an evaluation (750-1,000 words total) of at least five journal articles from Topics 4-6 of this course.

Provide an evaluation (750-1,000 words total) of at least five journal articles from Topics 4-6 of this course. Include the following for each article:

The article citation, which is not included in the total word count.

A written summary of the key concept(s) of the articles. Consider the following questions: Why were the studies done? What were the populations studied? What did the researcher(s) conclude? How are the research questions or findings similar/different? What other information about these studies do you believe is unique or important to recall? Are there specific statements made by the authors that you wish to retain? How might these articles compare with others you read? What new ideas can come out of the articles you are evaluating?

Morris, S. B., Daisley, R. L., Wheeler, M., & Boyer, P. (2015). A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Individual Assessments and Job Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology100(1), 5-20. doi: 10.1037/a0036938.

Ones, D. S., Dilchert, S., Viswesvaran, C., & Judge, T. A. (2007). In Support of Personality Assessment in Organizational Settings. Personnel Psychology60, 995-1027.

Gray, E., & Nathan, G. (2015, June 22). Do you understand why stars twinkle? Would you rather read than watch TV? Do you trust data more than your instincts? Time185(23), 40-46.

Hogan, R., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Kaiser, R. B. (2013). Employability and career success: Bridging the gap between theory and reality. Industrial & Organizational Psychology, 6(1), 3-16. doi: 10.1111/iops.12001.

Kaiser, R. B., & Kaplan, R. (2005). Overlooking overkill? Beyond the 1-to-5 rating scale. Human Resource Planning, 28(3), 7-11.

Answer preview Provide an evaluation (750-1,000 words total) of at least five journal articles from Topics 4-6 of this course.

Provide an evaluation (750-1,000 words total) of at least five journal articles from Topics 4-6 of this course.


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