Write a portfolio paper based on an assessment, analysis and recommendations for strengthening his/her leadership characteristics.

Write a portfolio paper based on an assessment, analysis and recommendations for strengthening his/her leadership characteristics.

Write a portfolio paper based on an assessment, analysis and recommendations for strengthening his/her leadership characteristics.

In conjunction with the instructor’s approval each student will select a leadership model, such as the Servant-Leader Model, and do a multi-dimensional assessment and analysis of his/her leadership characteristics.

The assessment input will come from the three sources of self, a supervisor or co-worker and a personal associate. Each of the three will rate the student with the same instrument, based on the model’s leadership characteristics, using a 1-10 scale indicating the degree to which the student possesses the characteristics.

The analysis will examine the assessment results, including both similarities and differences.

Then, the recommendations will address how the student might go about strengthening his/her leadership characteristics and potential.

The project should be well-written, supported by scholarly references, formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, approximately 3,000 – 4,000 words (8-10 pages) in length, demonstrate critical thinking, and be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Answer preview Write a portfolio paper based on an assessment, analysis and recommendations for strengthening his/her leadership characteristics.

Write a portfolio paper based on an assessment, analysis and recommendations for strengthening his her leadership characteristics.


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