Read each article and summary each article in 1 page

Read each article and summary each article in 1 page

Read each article and summary each article in 1 page (1 article/summary 1 page). This summary is one page (250 words/around 1/2-1 page, type double-spaced). Total 2 articles that you have 2 summaries. Please include title, author, where and when the article was published as shown in the following example.

Submit a hard copy in class. Please attach the original article to your summary.


Title of article: Safety Questions Over Ephedra Spark Clash Between FDA, Industry Officials

Article published in: the Marketplace section of The Wall Street Journal

Date published: Aug. 9, 2000

Article written by: Sarah Lueck, Staff Reporter


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Read each article and summary each article in 1 page


670 words