I believe exposure to the arts in education is essential for all

I believe exposure to the arts in education is essential for all


I believe exposure to the arts in education is essential for all; it teaches compassion, humanity and studies have shown students involved in the arts have a lower dropout rate, higher GPA’s and are more connected to their community.
1. Teaches Compassion
a. Students listen, learn and engage with people different than themselves.
b. Students put themselves in other situations and gain understanding
2. Better Grades
a. More engaged in school
b. Improves visual Analysis skills, learn from mistakes, make better critical judgements.

3. More connected to Community
a. Deeper understanding of what brings us together as a community.
b. Understanding of others through art and need for connections.
4. The arts are a luxury and not essential
a. Funds are low, emphasis should be on academics and sports
b. Traditionally Arts programs cut before sports
5. Conclusion

Using the Arts to Build Empathy, the Ultimate 21st Century Skill. (2020). Charterforcompassion.Org. https://charterforcompassion.org/using-the-arts-to-build-empathy-the-ultimate-21st-century-skill

Using the Arts to Build Empathy, the Ultimate 21st Century Skill. (2020). Charterforcompassion.Org. https://charterforcompassion.org/using-the-arts-to-build-empathy-the-ultimate-21st-century-skill

Kisida, B. (2019, February 12). New evidence of benefits of arts education. Www.Brookingseducation. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brown-center-chalkboard/2019/02/12/new-evidence-of-the-benefits-of-arts-education/

Answer preview i believe exposure to the arts in education is essential for all

I believe exposure to the arts in education is essential for all


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