Rogerian Argument
Type of essay: Rogerian Argument
Page requirement: Times New Roman, 12 Font, Double spaced. Should be 2-3 pages. Not more than 3. Should be cited correctly.
Opening sentence grabs the reader’s attention and draws them in to the paper.
The issue is introduced, and sufficient background is given to prepare the reader for the paper.
Body Paragraphs
Two-three paragraphs that discuss major points from the reader’s position on the issue followed by two-three paragraphs that discuss major points from the writer’s position on the issue. Transitions and connections between paragraphs and ideas are smooth and polished throughout (in other words, you can follow the arguments), and clear, focused evidence is presented and explained (the arguments are supported).
Middle Ground
Final one-two paragraphs present a common ground position, incorporating elements from the previously presented points to show how both sides benefit from this new position.
Are there three paginated sources cited within the essay and on the Works Cited page?
Are the parenthetical citations within the essay present and correct?
Do the parenthetical citations match up with the sources listed on the Works Cited page (and vice versa)?
FOR MLA helpful links:
1. California State Postsecondary Education Commission, Sacramento. “College Going Rates: A Performance Measure in California’s Higher Education Accountability Framework. Commission Report 07-04.” California Postsecondary Education Commission, California Postsecondary Education Commission, 1 Mar. 2007. EBSCOhost,
2. Carnevale, Anthony P., et al. “Learning While Earning: The New Normal.” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 1 Jan. 2015. EBSCOhost,
3. Liu, Vivian Yuen Ting, and Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment (CAPSEE). “Do Students Benefit from Going Backward? The Academic and Labor Market Consequences of Four- to Two-Year College Transfer: A CAPSEE Working Paper.” Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment, June 2016. EBSCOhost,
Answer preview Rogerian Argument
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